Foundation Diploma

Foundation Diploma

The Foundation Diploma is ideal for people with little industry experience, but who would like to gain practical knowledge and a sound qualification. It involves taking in the Introduction to Shipping paper plus one subject from the group 2 list of the optional papers from the Institute’s syllabus.

The Foundation Diploma is a standalone qualification in its own right, but because it can count towards your membership examinations it is also a great way to ease into study and gives you an overall view of the business. The Foundation Diploma is awarded if both subjects are passed in the same exam sitting.


The ICS Foundation Diploma comprises of two subjects: Introduction to Shipping, which is compulsory plus a Group 2 subject from the ICS PQE syllabus. (Both subjects must be passed in the same year of sitting the exams)

Introduction to Shipping

Economics of Sea Transport and International Trade

Legal Principles of Shipping Business

Shipping Business

Dry Cargo Chartering

Ship Operation & Management

Ship Sale & Purchase

Tanker Chartering 

Liner Trades

Port Agency

Logistics and Multi-modal Transport

Port and Terminal Management

Offshore Support Industry

Shipping Law

Marine Insurance

Shipping Finance

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031 824 1388

Durban Office Staff

Evashnee Reddy - Administration Officer

Ecinga Gwaza- Communication Coordinator

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